Saturday, 9 April 2016

17 year old entrepreneur needs advice for his first project


Hello there!

As the title says, I'm in need of an advice and opinion of my project that I've been working on for 2 months actively(I started it in November, but I've already pivoted 2 times).

So, I'm a 17-year-old entrepreneur and this is my first "big" project, and I'd like to know what you think about it, and give an advice on what I could do to improve the website.

The website is called and I built it myself with Wordpress from scratch. The main idea of the site is to help prospective students find the best university for them by providing them with stories from current students and alumni, who share their personal experience about the university, and give advice to the prospective students. We currently have around 25 stories, and I'm actively seeking people who'd like to share their stories with us.

I usually find the people through TSR(this is the biggest students' forum in the UK, and all of the stories are for UK universities, as I'm currently focusing on UK university only), but recently I got a list of all the universities in the UK, and sent them a message on Facebook asking if they were willing to post about the website on their page, so that we could gather traction more swiftly. Unfortunately, not that many answered, BUT the University of Glasgow posted about us on their official FB page, which brought many visitors to the website, but no stories, unfortunately.

Then, I got the idea that universities might be willing to invest in the website, because it can bring them many students(the site has around 250 daily visitors). However, none of the universities that I've contacted replied to my email.

I've recently started asking the students, who are writing story for us(when I write "us", I mean me. I just got the habit of writing us) to include some information that might be valuable to the universities(like what could be improved about the university, what facility do they find the most helpful, what are the negative sides of the university, etc), so that way the site would become valuable to the universities and they'd more willing to invest in its future.

Although, I'm not really seeing any success there, so can you give me an advice or tell me what could be improved about the website? It'd be of much value to me!

Thank you for reading this big block of text!

Have a great day, Karsoa

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