Sunday, 10 April 2016

Entrepreneur stuck punching the clock again.


My background is in manufacturing and construction. My partner and I owned a business in the field (doors and windows). Where we did everything on the small scale from manufacturing to installs to servicing. After 3 years of that 2 of which it was my full time job, I realized I couldn't make ends meet and needed steady income.

Now I have a 40 hour a week gig that I enjoy because its in the same field. I work with my hands and tools crafting beautiful wooden doors. But, I still have that itch. You know the itch to make your own fortune and build something that you control.

I feel like I know what I need to do but have a hard time putting it all together. Since high school I've worked in facilities making things from semiconductors to aircraft parts. The number one thing I've learned is that a company(a sizable one) can't be a one man show. It takes a team of different people with different skills working together efficiently to be successful.

Why I posted in r/entreprenuer: I need to network with others possibly in the same situation or different regional area to put something together that works. My weaknesses are in marketing, sales, and accounting. I'm good at running teams and producing goods. Most of my experience is in lean manufacturing and making processes quicker/safer.

If you want to talk about a business, your business, a new one, or think we can benefit from each other at all let me know.

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