Saturday, 23 April 2016

I founded and looking to reboot with suggestions/ideas.


This began as an actual dream I had back in 2013. I quickly phoned a friend who owns a local pizzeria and asked him to hand me some free gift card/food vouchers. I set out to get the idea validated with some friends thru Facebook, it worked and they liked it. I knew I had something and quickly began to brainstorm every detail and how I would monetize this game. A fews days later was born. Now, here’s how it works.

  1. Obtain a sponsor (my friend’s pizzeria) or use my own money.
  2. Go to google’s street view map and pick out a random object in any city (ex.funny looking tree, rock, etc.)
  3. Cut the object out of the map (did a print screen shot) then used this to start the hunt.

So, the object of the game is pretty simple; find the object’s exact location and win the prize. Obviously, it’s a needle in a haystack game, which makes it almost impossible to find so knowing this I would point everyone in the right direction by giving them a “free” clue at the start of every hunt. I would then offer a clue up for purchase where a map with a perimeter would point you closer to the object, of course the closer the perimeter to the object the higher its ticket price. Purchase was optional.

So, the interest was there, my friends where playing but yet I wasn’t able to get enough traction due to lack of funding to market the game. Aside the marketing, I believe the game’s format (web based) wasn’t helping either maybe putting this into an actual iOS / android app? I was using wordpress as the backend for the game.

My ultimate goal with road hunt was to sell advertisement through proprietary street view maps. Think billboards and random people holding up signs.

Im ready to reboot this game, if you have the any ideas, skill sets, marketing , funding experience etc. I am open to suggestions. Thanks for reading!

edit: Heres the logo I created

And if you would like to start making money online, we have a special system for you. Click here to access

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