Thursday, 28 April 2016

Looking to either throwaway or continue with this project. Need thoughts from the sub


Problem #1: The business owner is wanting to add some credibility to his website, he has some funky review feed on the bottom of his website that his developer put there at one time but its outside of the eye of the consumer. Or he may not even have this at all. However, the business owner has some really good reviews in multiple sites.

Solution #1: Reviewmetrics allows for any business owner to easily place a continous feed of reviews from multiple review sites (Yelp, FB, Google, TB, foursquare etc.) to immediately show credibility to potential customers. All with just a copy/paste of an embedded code. No more touching after that, it updates by itself.

Problem #2: Business owners have multiple locations and/or are represented in various review sites like Yelp, FB, Google, Foursquare, Amazon etc. but don't want to waste time sorting through all the different sites to find bad reviews to reply or attend. Or simply with the rythm of the business, there is no time to place attention to new reviews that probably need immediate attention.

Solution #2: Reviewmetrics tracks all reviews from multiple platforms in one dashboard. Business owners get notifications via email and/or text when a new review is posted. They can also sort by location and respond accordingly. The tool also allows them to view insights, trends and other useful analytics regarding their reviews. This is the MVP concept and depending on the validation and feedback, it can definitely add more services/layers on top of this such as dispute/conflict resolution etc.

Here is the landing page for more information:

Just looking for feedback on the potential product.

And if you would like to start making money online, we have a special system for you. Click here to access

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