When you are well on the path toward your goal, you may find yourself at crossroads. Looking back on everything accomplished so far you may start to feel as if it's time to "rest"; stand still for a bit and do nothing - just for sake of it. Your brain doesn't know better and whether you like it or not it will often try to protect you. You should recognize the helpful intention but you should also reject the notion and keep going toward your goals.It is said that laziness is a habit of resting when you are not really tired. It's easy to fall into this habit and allow it to overwhelm you over time. And then as you age you find yourself resting more and more often. Why? Because collective thought of humanity said it must be that way? Because it's the way things are?Nothing could be farther from the truth. Especially in this day and age it's easy to find examples that prove otherwise. You can witness humans in their 50s who are more fit and focused than they were in their 20s. In days of record setting obesity in teens and young adults you have scores of 80 year olds who are completing marathons each year.What is it that fuels this shocking contrast? Maybe it is that we do gain wisdom with age, so that we find trading couch and pizza eating in front of a screen for outdoor challenge a no-brainer. Maybe we do not know better when we are young so we allow easy excitement and shallow fun to consume our best years.Or maybe it is regret. Maybe as we draw near to the moment when we will finally be gone from this world we start realizing how much time we have wasted. How many unnecessary stops and detours we have taken. How we should plan rests as meticulously as our goals... and join the two whenever possible.The next time you feel like taking a break just for sake of it - don't. Recognize that only you can stop yourself. And that there is simply no need to do that. Keep marching.I leave a motivational post (almost) every day on /r/GetMotivated. If you liked post please take a moment to leave a comment, I truly appreciate the feedback.Previous post: Knowing when to quitAll my posts
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