Sunday, 24 April 2016

[Text] this will help you I hope m, to be more motivated in life, it's all about the perspective you have


I sit here and I think to myself the world is huge place in the human race is the dominant species on this planetAnd I just want to let you know that you matter every single person throughout the history of mankind and to this present day matter so do not ever sell yourself short to those around you. Do not ever think that you're not worthy to live the life that you want to live. There are Many people who get down on their luck and many of them are out there right now. Hang in there because a lot of us growing up where we are today and lives as adults for the most part we did not envision the life that we would be living right now today 10 years ago for some it might be a lot better than they envision for others they may think that they're far behind where they thought they were going to be in life . But you know what I want to tell you it doesn't matter none of that matters what matters is you and what you're doing with your life today you may be sitting around thinking you're not doing nothing with your life but in reality you're doing a lot in your lifeThe human race basically is a pyramid scheme. Think of yourself being part of that pyramid scheme the people the many many people in your life that you touch that you come in contact with. you affect them in either a positive way or negative way so therefore you are important , we as humans are like fertilizer each and every single one of us makes up that one little pebble and in numbers we make up a whole pack of fertilizers and we let that tree of life continue to grow . there are some bad Pebbles in the fertilizer and there are some good pebbles and that fertilizer however the better you are the better your outlook is on life you will be helping the tree of life grow bigger and have more branches in its life, by moving in a positive direction and it doesn't always have to be about you having to have kids to let your genetic make up live, know none of that matters, you live on through your influence you have put into other people .don't ever feel like you enough your foot print in life will always be there for helping our world and society evolve over time.

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