Biohacking has become a popular news topic, especially due to the successful efforts of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Tim Ferriss and Dave Asprey.
However, this viable option for improving your life is not limited to people with a lot of wealth, time or scientific knowledge. Instead, there are multiple techniques that everyone from novices to experts can utilize in order to boost their cognitive performance and improve their physical health.
The word biohacking probably makes most people envision a lab environment, and it is true that people who have an interest in biology often get together in a lab space with the intention of testing bold new concepts on each other.
This has even led to the creation of new nootropic supplements and electronic wearables. Even if biology is not your forte though, you can easily incorporate the following three tips into your daily life to help you reach your full potential.
1.Nootropic Supplements
Nootropics has been specifically designed to give people a cognitive boost, and some of them are also able to assist users with issues such as anxiety and depression. In other words, developing a nootropic routine can be the perfect way to leave you feeling more alert and better able to retain new information while focusing on whatever task is at hand. Studies have determined that Piracetam has the potential to offer temporary cognitive enhancements, and there is also some research that indicates that Peak Nootropics Noopept relieves anxiety and Aniracetam may help with memory and learning improvements. There are numerous nootropics available, and some of them work better when taken with at least one other supplement.
2. Wearable Electronics – If your main goal is to use biohacking to boost your physical health and performance, you will definitely want to turn to wearable electronics to help you track your daily vital statistics.
This can be especially important if you are attempting to develop new biology-based solutions for common problems, such as obesity and brain fog.
Tracking information that includes your food intake and any specific positive or negative reactions to new biohacking techniques enables these individuals to make smarter choices, which in turn makes it possible for them to improve the overall quality of their life.
3. Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Wearable electronics can monitor and record a long list of activities so that you can analyze your results, but only you can actually make the necessary lifestyle changes to improve your physical and mental health. Therefore, a major component of biohacking is to pay close attention to your body’s mental and physical needs.
This includes getting a solid seven to eight hours of sleep every night, exercising on a regular basis and removing food from your diet that is highly processed or filled with sugar. Biohackers also often take advantage of brain exercising tactics, such as puzzles and reading to help keep themselves sharp.
It is common for biohackers to combine healthy lifestyle changes with wearable electronics, nootropic supplements, meditation and biology research to provide themselves with the best possible tools for success.
Emulating this approach is likely to give you optimal results, but everyone has the potential to improve their life by adopting even just one or two of the biohacking standards. For example, if you were to begin making better lifestyle choices and start taking nootropics, you may soon find yourself with fewer aches and pains, more energy and a sharper mind that makes it easier to take in new information and remain focused during important tasks.
The post 3 Ways Biohackers Improve Their Lives appeared first on Project Life Mastery.
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