Sunday, 15 May 2016

The Growth of Project Life Mastery (2012 to 2016 – Google Analytics)


the growth of project life mastery 2012 to 2016

How much has Project Life Mastery grown from 2012 to 2016? 

I recently recorded a video sharing the progress and growth of Project Life Mastery using Google Analytics, showing the beginning of the blog in 2012 to where it is today in 2016.

If you don’t have Google Analytics installed on your blog I highly recommend that you do because it gives you the ability to see all the data, all the stats of your website or your blog, you can see the growth, the progress where people are coming from, what keywords they are searching for, and just the overall behavior which is very valuable to know and to track at.

In this video, I’m going to show you what the growth of Project Life Mastery (2012 to 2016) looks like. What you can take from this is you got to be patient, you got to take your time. Hopefully, what I’m teaching you guys with the Affiliate Marketing Mastery is going to speed up your progress because where I am today, I learned so much over the years. I could probably get there faster today knowing what I know now.

Things take time, be patient, work hard, be persistent, get the right knowledge and information to help you fast track the process. If you want to know more about Affiliate Marketing Mastery when it becomes available just go to

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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The post The Growth of Project Life Mastery (2012 to 2016 – Google Analytics) appeared first on Project Life Mastery.

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