Monday, 6 June 2016

TAI LOPEZ IS A SCAM. My experience!


Success has a lot to do with your sense of being Find out how to train yourself to make money and stay in tune with your mind, body and soul

Please forgive the strong language that I use here.

YES. Absolute scam. I bought the “Accelerator” program, and it turned out to be absolute ass. It’s crap. Just rehashed old crap from Tai’s live calls that you get on YouTube. His live videos are also bullshit, I’ve seen the same ones reply many times. The paid content is shittier than the free content. It’s all just bad reviews of books, and then affiliate marketing he does with other companies in which they share no useful information.

There is like ONLY 3 Videos on Tai’s behind the scenes business stuff. All 3 of which are just Tai talking shit to his team. “You better appreciate that you’re working for me”.

The Knowledge database is crap. No useful info. Just buy a book and you’ll get 100 times more value. Just watch the hundreds of thousands of other useful videos that are free. Not even worth $10 in my opinion.

The money program is a bullshit program. Almost ZERO money advice. It’s crap. Junk. Poop. Serious ass. Don’t waste your time. He just rehashes maybe 3 or 4 ideas together… And then the rest is affiliate marketing. It’s all crap.

From there, they try to up-sell you on the bigger packages that are $5,000+. They make you hope that you can someday meet with Tai and get him to invest in your business or personally mentor you. But it’s all bullshit.


Not to mention, when I asked for a refund, it has been 1 week and no one has gotten back to me. They’re just stealing our money. I have to do a charge back through my credit card company. They replied once saying that Oh we have to have one of our guys call you to make sure you have a good experience. Well, that was 7 days ago, and nothing.

Bullshit product, bullshit service. Avoid at all costs.

The only reason I tried his program was because he gave a 60 day money back guarantee. He isn't even keeping up to that one promise. He keeps saying he has all this great insider information, but none is to be found in his program. He makes his program sound like it's so solid, professional, and well put together, but it's really crappy, you're really really better off just finding a few relevant things for yourself with a youtube search.

Again. I don't care what promises he makes to you. It's all crap. Really is. He does provide some good tips. But, just watch his free crap for that. It's pretty much all rehashed other YouTube videos, and information from books. He really won't save you any time in terms of trimming the learning curve. Actually, his program sucks so bad that it will make you waste maybe 2-3 days before you realize that you were scammed and lied to.

P.S: If you are interested in making money on-line, there are many avenues you can explore. Click here to get my step by step guide on how to this. I break down all the details for you and give you some useful resources and tools

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