Thursday, 28 April 2016

Business owners that ship by the Truckload


First off, I'll note that I am not promoting by business here. I am just looking for someone who ships truckload freight to maybe exchange some dialog with, nothing else.

I've started my 3PL business recently, and I am having some trouble really gaining some momentum. My business focuses on Intermodal shipping (rail+truck) rather than straight truckload shipping. Due to the business being pretty monopolized by the large players (XPO, CH Robinson etc.) it seems that my only hope is to target shippers who do not currently ship intermodal, and convince them to switch and give me a chance.

I am having trouble getting through to anyone, and I'm looking for a fellow redditor here that ships freight by the truckload. I'd like to know some things such as:

What do you know about Intermodal shipping? What would make you hesitant to switch/give it a try? Cost savings aren't enough? Longer transit times are an issue? etc..

Would love to have a chat with someone on here. Thanks in advance!

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