Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Active Income vs. Passive Income: Are You Working For The Wrong Income?


Active Income vs Passive Income

How would you like to learn about active income vs passive income: the differences and which one is better; which one should you focus on and acquiring more of?

Active income is when you get paid for your time. You’re exchanging your time for money so that could be a job, coaching, consulting and public speaking or a service that you might provide.

Passive income is when you’re earning automated income without having to actively do anything to earn that income.  You might have set something up in advance, or you’re selling a product or service, or automated your business with technology or employees.

However, there’s many different forms of passive income, which can come from business, investments or even real estate.

In this video blog, I’ll be talking about the different types of active income and passive income.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

(iTunes Podcast Coming Soon)

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The post Active Income vs. Passive Income: Are You Working For The Wrong Income? appeared first on Project Life Mastery.

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